Why? How?

3 min read


The idea came when one day I was rather not in the best mood, things went absolutely shit that day and I felt like just clearing my head (I usually write or sleep). Could not sleep and therefore picked up the notebook to write, wrote too much and decided I will have worse days in the future and therefore this probably was not the best method to document ideas and thoughts (diaries are different; the idea here is to not write about how my days went but instead about absolutely anything to everything that I want to see later on or give my shitty opinion about). If you are ever too free or want to read something new, you can check here. There isn’t any fixed timeline about these posts, it just depends on how and when I find some interesting things or feel like coming back here to blabber. This might just act as a repository for "cool" things/ideas, made/thought by me or others in short.

P.S- I didn't make this on WordPress or Medium just to satisfy the inner voice that reminded me that I am a computer science student and hence should make one for myself or what good is that degree.



DISCLAIMER - I hate front-end and therefore opted out for the easiest way to make this. I have no future plans to continue learning this torture of a thing and thus this probably is not the best way/order to start but c'est la vie.

The making of this was not a "quick" or "easy" one for me, rather it took me about 2 months to get this done (yes, you read it right, TWO). The reason being simply "time", you just never have enough of it.

Design ideas were taken mostly from a lot of places (youtube, other blogs), and is impossible to pinpoint a specific one.

After finally contemplating whether I should make this or not (which I finally decided to of course), I went back to the basics- CSS, HTML, and JS. Having forgotten a lot from the last time I did these, it essentially took me 2-3 weeks just to brush the easy parts and then learn the necessary things that I didn’t know. (The 2-3 weeks' time is not in continuation obviously, I had the never-ending internals and midsems in between mostly). Then came TS, which I still don’t know if I did it or just finished something, imo if you have to think for more than a second to start writing a basic thing like an interface you just don't know it well(yes I think for more than that). Next.js and Tailwind were just used on a need-to-know basis and were directly exploited from tutorials. For the backend CMS part, mostly like other blogs, I used Sanity to make the studio for writing these. (I specifically hated this part, was definitely trickier for me since I had never used a CMS before).

ShadCN was just used to add the UI (looks clean).

The site is hosted on Vercel and the code is available on GitHub if you want to check it out.

P.S. - This is not the first version, it's just the best one out of the others.

P.P.S. - I finally finished this only after the finals ended i.e. 2 days ago (even though probably spent a lot of time on this even during exams).
